

aprilgem is short for April G. E. McMillan … but the M used to stand for Martinez. I recently married, and fortunately, my name has changed, but my initials have not. So I remain “aprilgem.”

That’s me, creating web sites since 1998, this web site in particular since 1999, this blog since 2001. This is where I share my writing, riddles, tutorials, and artwork with anyone who might enjoy them. I also sometimes post about my work in the publishing industry as a graphic designer and illustrator. Unless otherwise indicated, everything was written or created by me.

This blog’s been through quite a number of changes over the years — lots of redesigns and migrations from CMS to CMS, from a simple guestbook script, to Greymatter, to MovableType, to B2/WordPress and its various iterations. I’ve lost some data over time, especially comments, and a lot of the old links are broken. To keep from being a digital hoarder, I’ll be making gradual changes over time, curating and culling content, and removing any dead weight.

You can contact me by leaving a comment or e-mailing mail@aprilgem.com. Thanks!

First Time Visitors

If you’ve never been here, I recommend reading some of my older work to get to know me:

Mentioned regularly in the old posts are H.E. and Cat. Neither are in my life any more. H.E. and I went our separate ways, and Cat passed away at 16-17 years old a few years back. I have lived almost a whole new life since then, and I no longer blog regularly, but every now and then I come back to this when I feel like writing.

One day, I may take this old blog offline entirely and start fresh. For the meantime, I keep it up here for me to easily refer to — when I can’t remember the lyrics to a song I wrote, for instance.