Latest Work, 2007 Week 50
I finally received my first royalty check from Zumaya Publications this week, so now I breathe a sigh of relief and look forward to a time I may get to add them to my little author bio on the right side of this blog.
People often query me about work and ask me if I take on clients outside of my two publishers. The answer is that I do. That’s why I have the words “freelance artist and graphic designer” after my name; I take on extra work to supplement my income.
But I link specifically to Liquid Silver Books and to Loose Id in my bio because my income from each is large enough that I get 1099 tax forms from them at the end of each tax year. How can I not give free daily linkage for backsheesh like that?
Anyway, Father, it’s been three weeks since I last posted a work update, and I have binned … probably about six book covers, seven or eight series covers, four web ads, and about a handful or more magazine ads, give or take. This doesn’t include administrative duties or phone meetings. So, officially, THIS is my day job.
My commute is only a flight of steps down, but I delight in kissing H.E. “on my way to work” and telling him that “I’ll be home for lunch” with him later. And when it’s five o’clock and time for Keith Olbermann, I “come home” and spend some quality time with H.E. before dinner.
So here’s some of what I have in my recently completed projects bin:
4 thoughts on “Latest Work, 2007 Week 50” .. Blame it on the Moon & Alpha Within would have to be my fav’s here. Actually, the woman from Alpha Within reminds me of an Aussie Actress, Claudia Karvan. I’m averaging approx. 4 covers a month LOL! I really need to approach some other publishers in the new year 😀
Good for you, and more power to you for 2008!
Are you writing as well as illustrating?
Darr … I wish I could say yes, but I haven’t really taken the time. Too much TV watching and e-book reading.
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