A Christmas Gift Idea
If you’re like me and have already done most of your gift shopping, you can think about this as a great gift idea for next year, but I saw Caroline Kennedy on Tim Russert‘s show the other day and just had to recommend her book, A Family Christmas.
If the name Caroline Kennedy doesn’t ring a bell, you have big, wide gaping holes in your knowledge of American history. Go do some Googling. She’s the daughter of John F. Kennedy, this country’s president at the time of the Cuban missile crisis. I’m talking to you, Ms. Perino.
Anyway, from what I understood of the interview, Caroline’s book is a hodge podge of Christmas tales, traditions, and trivia. Some of what she talked about sounded a little bit like the Christmas mash I put together some years ago. Yet, most of the book seems to be more about her childhood memories of Christmas; some letters written to and from kids, JFK, and Santa; and a spotlight on some of the old favorites—”The Gift of the Magi”, “It’s a Wonderful Life”, and the like.
The longer I listened to the interview, the more I wished that I had bought this book for some of the people on my list instead. It’s the perfect feel-good gift about the very holiday on which it would be given, and it’s even got the perfect book cover, so that the book itself looks like a Christmas gift ready to give.
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2 thoughts on “A Christmas Gift Idea”
I wish I had seen this post before ordering your gift! I’d have bought this for you. 🙂
Aww! 🙂
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