Secret Message #15: Do This Three Times, and All Will Be Better
I saw Sicko today. I almost didn’t because I wasn’t feeling well. I had an upset stomach and was in some serious pain, but I wouldn’t have missed the movie for the world. Plus, it seemed kind of fitting to feel a little sick while watching Sicko. It helped to emphasize Michael Moore’s point in a strange, sick way.
Anyway, it was Moore’s best documentary film by far. It had the right touch of humor throughout the whole thing so you wouldn’t end up crying about the entire health care crisis in America. And the neatest thing about seeing it was that afterwards, as H.E. and I left the theater, there were people handing out information about the health reform proposals being made in the California legislature—sort of the perfect cure after being sickened about everything we’ve learned from the movie. This way, we didn’t leave feeling completely helpless and demoralized about the problems with our current system.
Very, very proactive.
If you’re a Californian, please visit One Care Now and read up on what you can do to help.
Another thing you can do? Solve the Easter Egg puzzle. Be the first, and I’ll send you a $5 gift certificate at Amazon.
ETA: Congratulations to Kat Mayo! She solved the puzzle and has received the prize. Have a good book on me, Kat! 🙂
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