A Little Bird Told Me I Should Be Blogging More
I forget sometimes that I have this thing, this blog, and sometimes I’m just too lazy to start writing anything. My computer is in a cold and lonely place, and I’m far too comfortable snacking on ginger snaps in my warm bed with my yarn and my crochet needle, my TV remote, or my e-book reader. And when I do come down and work at the computer, I stick with e-mail, work, and for some strange reason, Facebook movie reviews—I pay so much for cable TV and internet service that I’m on a crazy mission to watch every free thing I can On Demand. Make those cable bills worth their while, you know?
Or I unpack some more and bask in domestic bliss with H.E., where he does most of the cooking, I do most of the cleaning, and the cat is a joyful little furry heater curled up by my side.
But while some of my friends and I have long forgotten about blogging or commenting regularly, my mom reads my blog and worries if I haven’t posted in a while. And Drew wonders if my hair has either grown another foot or fallen out yet. For all I know there may be readers yet unknown to me who look out for new tutorials, new covers, new riddles, or new Mondegreens on this alien barbecue, all waiting with bated breath for me to post something and chanting, “Post already, woman!”
Actually … I wrote a little something for Bam’s blog last week because I promised her one of those “How I Made This Cover” articles, but I haven’t sent it, and as it sits on my hard drive I think, “I should probably post this on my blog instead, as I’ve been neglecting it.”
But then that means I’d have to write something else to replace it. Hell! What to do?
So I’m going to have to unpack my trusty AlphaSmart and write in the comfort of my warm bed, I guess. I’ve so much to say and not enough determination and warm fingers to say it with. And maybe if I write in bed, some of it will get said.
Wish me luck.
Share this post:Photo above is one that I took before the move of one of my dusty bookshelves.
15 thoughts on “A Little Bird Told Me I Should Be Blogging More”
Well I have to admit that I’m one of those people who regularly drop by to see what you’ve been up to. I love your tutorials but don’t yet have some of the programmes to give them a go. I do know how difficult it is to blog though especially when I lead a rather staid and boring life *rolls eyes*. Mind you I do tend to blog in my own head when I’m packing the dishwasher or hanging out the clothes but the moment I sit in front of the computer .. *crickets*! I’m not a very whitty person either and can even find my own ramblings a bit boring LOL! I do find it hard to blog about anything other than my covers. Sometimes the kids may make it in there but that’s only because they are driving me NUTS! LOL.
Luck finding your Alphasmart (gee you really are very technologically advanced ;)) and I look forward to perhaps seeing some more blogs 😀 LOL.
Thank you, for blogging! And yes, this is my way of checking up on what’s new with you. I find that if I just e-mail you, and wait for the reply, you keep it brief. But here I can sort of find out what you’ve been up to. Keep blogging, my dear first born.
Love you,
Well, in that case, Lyn and Mom, I’ll definitely post more. 🙂
Thank you. I look foward to your blogs.
still waiting… 😛
Just sent it, Bam! 🙂
I need a little bird that reminds me to read more regularly. As always, I have fallen behind with blogs and journals, and attempting to catch up all at one go.
Glad you are posting again. Please never stop. :-*
Will do what I can, Minn. 🙂
I enjoyed this post!! I think it’s safe to assume you still have all your hair, with no plans to cut it shorter anytime soon.
Now if you’d like to draw up some more of your Whimseytoons I’d be content for awhile! : ) Just kidding.
Hope you have a Merry Christmas!!
Yep. I definitely need to make more Whimsytoons! 🙂 Merry Christmas to you, too, Drew! 🙂
How come you never did cut your hair shorter? I can’t see how wearing it in a bun everyday would be appealing. Get some courage and go for the chop in 2008.
Misty, I got too lazy to do it this year, and the bun is very handy compared to having the hair all over the place. I’d like to chop it now, but I need photos first … and that’s where the lazy part of it gets in the way. 😉
Maybe you could try something original and at the end of every month this year, trim 3 inches off your braid. You could even keep a photo journal of it. At the end of the year you would have a lot different hair length but it wouldn’t be going off all at once.
Oy. Cutting off 3 inches at a time seems even more trouble than just hacking it all off.
The idea was that you might be more willing to go ahead and cut it, if you didn’t have to ‘hack it all off’ at once. I figured you were pretty attached to it–in multiple ways–and that cutting it a little shorter every month would make for an easier transition.
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