The Lookout

The Lookout

The Lookout

Coo three times if the heat comes, then stall ’em. Taken at the Huntington Beach Pier.

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18 thoughts on “The Lookout

  1. Wow! Great shot!!!!!! What lens? Im going to go out on a limb and guess that you were using a circ. polarizer?

  2. The 70-300mm lens, which I like to call my zoom lens. 🙂 At the time I took the shot (it’s an old shot), I didn’t have a circular polarizer yet, so I have no idea how I got that blue — some of the other shots I took of the same bird (head in different positions) have just a slightly lighter sky, but they’re all pretty much like this. No cropping, so maybe the light reading off the bird makes everything else go dark? I wish I knew.

  3. Were you using spot metering? Just asking, as I would have thought that evaluative would have not given that exposure.

  4. Great pictures!

    Also, are you still wearing your hair down to your butt?

  5. Broch, I have no idea what spot metering is. I used the Auto setting on my camera and tried to put the focus on the bird. I’m checking the settings recorded on the file, and it says the Metering Mode is Multi-Pattern. 1/2000 sec. – F/5.6. Exposure Comp.: 0 EV. ISO 220. The wider shots are lighter blue. I’ll post a screenshot of the thumbnails in a bit. Here ya go!

    Brett, my hair is down to mid-calf when wet. But the braid so long now that it’s not as thick any more. I shed too much when brushing my hair.

  6. It’s too bad that you lose so much hair to shedding! Is it still pretty thick at the top of the braid but gradually thins out at the bottom or is it smaller all around?

    Do you brush it after washing I guess? Next time you should try to find one of the long shed hairs and measure to see how long it is.

  7. It tapers, gradually thins out at the bottom — top of braid is still relatively thick. And yep, I brush after washing. 🙂

  8. Hopefully the shedding/thinning won’t get to be such a problem that you have to cut it (as you’ve threatened to do) shorter anytime soon.

    I also don’t envy you all the shampoo you have to go thru although I guess the lack of paying for haircuts makes up for it. 🙂
    The time every few days to wash/brush/dry/braid would kind of suck if you didn’t enjoy having it I would think….it definitely gives you something unique.

  9. Would be nice to see a pic of your hair down (*hint*)…. hope you choose to keep it long. I agree with Drew, very long hair is such a rarity it is unique.

  10. Well, I went shooting today, but none of the shots are of my hair. Maybe another day. 🙂

  11. Since
    1) if you took a picture of the braid
    2) you took the picture

    3) the braid would likely be detached from your head.

    I guess I’m glad you don’t have a picture for us

  12. Egads! Good catch, Drew! Yes, by all means, let *someone else* take a picture of your hair. Keep it long (and on your head, where it belongs).

  13. I’m finally read the updated comments here: it’s hard to believe that your hair hangs down past your knees. I thought it reached your hips, not your knees! You must have gone several years w/o a cutting, unless your gaming us with a fib.

  14. I haven’t cut or trimmed my hair in years. What would be the point in fibbing about something like that?

  15. Sorry I sounded rude in my last post. It does sound somewhat far fetched. I don’t know anyone with hair that reaches their calves. People fib about stuff all the time for reasons that are unexplainable but I doubt that you are. Sorry.

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