It’s Contagious

It’s Contagious

That quirk I have, the one that has me mishearing everything so that I hear “stiff-assed” instead of “steadfast” or “London Derriere” instead of “Londonderry Air”—it’s contagious. The other day, as I was preparing veggies for the yaki soba I planned on cooking for lunch, I was startled by loud and ominous sounds from above. I’m on the top floor, so sounds from above kind of freak me out, but they sounded like heavy footfalls on the roof. Santa … when it’s nowhere near Christmas or July, you know, for Christmas in July. And in any case I don’t have a chimney, so what the hey?

Mexicans were crawling all over my roof and cleaning my rain gutters while perched on the beams above my balcony. And making a mess of leaves and pebbles on my balcony floor!

I phoned H.E. immediately and cried, “There are Mexicans on my roof, and they’re making a mess on my balcony!”

Having spent so many years in my presence, H.E.’s mind has opened up the word and sound possibilities. Finally. And now he thinks like me.

So naturally, he said, “You have leprechauns on your roof?”

I’m so very proud of him. Very good, grasshopper!

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