Ayers Rock Resort

Ayers Rock Resort

Bird at the Ayers Rock Resort

Taken, I think, at the Lost Camel hotel or just west of it. It’s where I found the post office and the much cooler gift shops with the funny didgeridoo books. The gift shop at my hotel, Sails in the Desert, was over-the-top expensive, too rich for my shopping sense. Lost Camel is actually probably more my speed and budget, with that college campus or youth hostel feel to the place, and I was originally booked there, but H.E. later upgraded me to Sails in the Desert because it’s supposed to be the best hotel at the Ayers Rock Resort.

Naturally, as the bus drove the tourists from the airport to the various hotels, the hot guys my age got off at the Lost Camel and the older retired couples on their second honeymoon got off at Sails in the Desert.

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5 thoughts on “Ayers Rock Resort

  1. Beautiful Shot! What lens were you using… Ahem… Please welcome me back to the Nikon camp! I have sold off almost all of my Canon gear, save for a film body and a few lenses, and came back to Nikon. It wasn’t so much a “Gadgety” decision, more along the lines that the Nikon feels more like a natural extension of myself, not so much a “Tool” in the creative process. It is all about how it feels in my hand, how all of the controls are laid out, and of course, the results.

  2. JJ, I don’t think it’s a kookaburra — the bird and the beak are too small. I don’t even know if I have a photo of a kookaburra; I have some strange-looking birds captured to be sure though.

    Broch, welcome back to the Nikon camp!! Just read your post and am sorry you sold off many of your first lens. H.E. dearly loved his old film Nikons — really sturdy stuff and he used them as defensive weapons when perps attacked him during his ride-arounds with Baltimore cops. He’d have two or three Nikon bodies around his neck, and they were as heavy and blunt as a nightstick or Mag-lite … and never broke! 🙂

    Oops! I almost forgot. I was using my zoom lens.

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