Hmmm … I wonder

Hmmm … I wonder

I wonder...

By H.E.’s estimate, I should actually be doing two book covers a day to make a living, and I’m not quite sure yet if I can do that. So I’m trying to figure out ways to supplement my income without increasing my workload.

Does anyone actually make money selling photography prints or Cafepress items, I wonder?

Anyway, H.E. and I went to one of those garden and landscaping supply places, and the photo above is of some sneaky gargoyle hatching a plan of mischief.

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2 thoughts on “Hmmm … I wonder

  1. Is the question whether you can find the business to do two covers a day or have the creativity and time to churn two a day? I could see either as being completely legit possibilities.

  2. A little bit of both. It depends on the project. If it’s a cover for a publisher, it goes fairly quickly. If it’s for a personal commission, it goes much more slowly. So I think it’s best if I stick with a B-to-B model. I get more done and paid more.

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