

I’ve been ordered by my web host to upgrade my weblog software because of the spammers. So if the site shows signs of severe metamorphosis or mental illness, it is either because I’m doing what they asked and failing miserably at it or because they have totally disabled my site for NOT doing what they asked (they threatened so!).

Whatever happens, please keep your hands and ears inside the compartment and don’t panic. I barely know what I’m doing.

I’ve got tons of stuff to do, so I really don’t have time to be tweaking this site, but I need it up and working for my new NEW! resolution.

And hey, there’s still one more full day to vote! 🙂

Update: I don’t know how I managed it, but some of the old comments are no longer viewable on the site. I still get them, though, so feel free to comment. You just won’t be able to see them right away. Apparently, it’s a “feature”. Bleagh. It waits until I log in, see the new comments, and allow them to be viewable on the site. This is mostly to prevent spammers from breathing. Ever again. I’m so sorry for the inconvenience! I’ve updated the bottom of the about page to explain it a little more.

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10 thoughts on “Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes

  1. And the advantages of Movable Type over Greymatter were?…..Ever consider moving your site to another webhost?

  2. Advantages? Don’t know really. I switched when people started asking for RSS feeds. I may try another weblog software. But first, I need to find the time.

  3. The comment thing- re-upload the comment files and your comments will appear again. The same thing happened to me when I upgraded to MT3.14 from 2.66. All the previous comments were stuck in “pending approval” and disappeared from readers’ view. Then go into weblog config, and pick what you want under comments, such as “allow anonymous comments” or the typekey thing. Hope that helps you a little.

  4. I’m sure Zilla would recommend WordPress (as would I). Pain in the ass though it is to switch.

  5. Hi, Heather. Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll give it a whirl, though I’m not sure how it would fix things.

    And if it doesn’t work, Parl, Nikki, I’m going to give WordPress a try. ‘Bout time I learned some PHP anyway.

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