Still Unpacking Silversteinware

Still Unpacking Silversteinware

With so many books and not enough shelves,
I need help with stacking, so send me some elves.
I need a new desk and some file drawers, too.
I’ve got oh so much (far too much) crap stuff to do.

I haven’t done laundry yet. Nor have I cooked.
My pots are still packed, and don’t ask if I’ve looked.
My plates are still hidden (I eat standing up),
And oh what I wouldn’t do for a clean cup.

I need some new pieces with drawers that slide;
I’ve far too much clothing that I need to hide.
I need a new table, for dining, I think.
I’ve gotten quite tired of my meals by the sink.

I love my new place, but boy, it’s a drag:
Unpack box by box, and then bag by bag.
I have far too much stuff that I must give away
(If you want any, well, you all know what to say).

Can’t stand it. I can’t! I’m tired of it all.
I’m tempted to leave my stuff out in the hall.
Of course I won’t do that. That’s just far too rude,
But I’ve got so much (far too much) crap stuff to do.

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5 thoughts on “Still Unpacking Silversteinware

  1. You have been put to the test
    But girl, you really need to rest.
    So unwind with hot chocolate,
    And get some sleep, for it’s late!

  2. I must admit that I’m impressed
    to see a site so smartly dressed;
    I wished I lived in Orange County
    I’d thank you personally your for your … uh … bounty.

  3. Mike,

    Now that you’ve played my word game, I really must say,
    Your poem’s succeeded in making my day!


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