Lolly Blogging
I read somewhere that no one really reads blogs any more and that blogging is the least effective of all forms of content marketing. People would rather get their information or entertainment by watching videos.
So I guess I’m writing here for my own entertainment.
I began this blog essentially as an online journal — a diary with a potential for an audience — and I didn’t care whether or not I had that audience. In the beginning, I didn’t have any. The world was new, and it wasn’t fully populated yet.
Now it appears I’m back in that same situation — blogging without an audience. Only this time, the world has changed, and everyone has left for greener pastures.
You know what this means? This means I can write whatever the heck I want again!
I could pick at the lint in my belly button and then blog about it in great detail, without ever having to fear judgment or ridicule. I could dig for gold in my nostrils and spread the bounty of boogers on this blog, and no one would say a criticizing thing to me. I could plant my feet on the Squatty Potty propped up against my blog and put out my unicorn poop in pretty little packages, and it would be like a tree falling in some empty forest somewhere, going wholly unnoticed and unremarked, unheard and unseen.
That’s kind of exciting, really. The possibilities are endless. I think I may blog about the cure for cancer and the common cold, the way for world peace, and the directions to where the fountain of youth is hidden. These are all things no one really cares about anyway.
So it won’t matter one bit if no one gets around to reading about them here.
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